This is a tool for building timed practice. Not every topic listed is best done with flashcards so please test out the drill you design prior to giving it to your students. Watch a video tutorial to make a drill
Please add relevent information. This will be used search sort and filter the drills later.
Click the Add level button. Then name the level, pick how many problems and how many seconds you would like the level to last. Then add a topic to the level by clicking the '+' box next to the desired skill in the list on the left.
The checkbox next to the level name dtells wheter a topic will be added to that level.
Level Name | Problem Count | Time (seconds) |
If you are logged in on a confirmed account you can save your drill. Once you have created your desired levels and filled them with your desired topics, you can save your drill. There should be a button below.
Currently you are not logged and cannot make custom drills. If you log in you will see buttons here to save to your account