Spiral review generator

Watch a video tutorial on building a worksheet

This tool is for creating worksheets that review multiple topics. Use the file tree on the left panel to explore the topics available. Pick the topics you want to add by clicking the grey "+" box after the name. The right panel allows you to select the number of each type of problem. Then press the make problems button below the selection panel. This will create the problems and allow you to review them prior to making the worksheet.

Normally the problems are shuffled. If you want problems grouped together in a specific way, you can use the append feature. The append button allows you to add problems to the end of the current list.

Step 1: Setting up the worksheet

Information for referencing the worksheet

Visual formattings

Information visible on the Worksheet

Step 2:Picking your problems

Select the exercises you want on the worksheet by clicking the on the right.
The green + open categories of problems.
Topics you have selected will appear on the right. Fill in how many of each type you want in the box provided.

Problem Selection

Problem to be added to the worksheet

    Topics to be added to worksheet

    Step 3: Make your worksheet

    The make/append button will add problems to an existing list, while the Start over button erases any previous problems

    Problems can be edited by clicking on the problem.

    After you make problems, review them replace edit or delete any that you do not like. The append button will add problems to the end of the list. Once you are happy with the problems, Add a title and subtitle if you so choose. Then press the typeset button at the bottom of the list. This will create some ugly tables. Don't worry the problems normally look better when printed. You can still go back and edit and update problems then hit typeset again to adjust the worksheet. Once complete try printing the page. It should only print your desired worksheet. You may have to adjust the zoom, and often the preview doesn't have the images in the same place the are in the printed version.

    Now that you have reviewed your problems.



    Step 4: Edit adjust and save

    If you have a confirmed account at MathyThings you can save a copy of a worksheet. Save buttons will appear below.

    Otherwise you can alter it and print it, but no changes can be saved.

    Hover over a problem and an edit button will appear. Click the button and an an edit box will appear. The replace button with replace the problem with one of the same type. Cutomize will save any your custom problem and change the topic to custom.

    Try the print preview option on your browser. It should only show the white porthion of the screen. If it does not fit on one page. Change the printed font size in the Visual formatting section.

    Currently you are not logged and cannot make custom worksheets. If you log in you will see buttons here to save to your account

    Step 5: Print

    Use your browser and go to print or print preview. The worksheet should be in a printable form. You may need to adjust the text size and the zoom to align display content to your satisfaction.